Register for the 2025 MSL Umpiring Course
Hello again. As you all know, there has been some recent moves to include more umpires in our league this season.
With that in mind, I give the floor to the new Umpire-in-Chief for MSL, Simon Sharp. He wanted to share some upcoming events to welcome new umpires into the fold for the 2025 Manchester Softball League season.
Take it away, Simon!
I hope you have all had a nice Christmas and New Year.
With the new softball season a glint on the horizon, I am trying to gauge interest for a possible new feature of the softball season – The Manchester Softball League Umpiring Course. This course will not be affiliated with BASU. Instead, it will be run by BASU qualified umpires with the aim of the course to give people the basic knowledge and confidence to umpire in the Manchester Softball League.
Please could you drop me a message on 07814330350 if you would be interested in taking part in this course or would like more information. You can also click here or on the button below to indicate your interest.
I look forward to seeing you in the classroom or on the diamond.