Introducing Didsbury Base Invaders
MSL chats with James Carter, captain of the league’s newest team, Didsbury Base Invaders.

Not to be confused with the previous team of the same name, Base Invaders formed from this year’s rookie sessions.
You’re starting the newest team to Manchester Softball League, Base Invaders. When did you first pick up a softball?
“Well, it would have been at the rookie sessions. I’d not played baseball or anything before, not even rounders. MSL came up on my Instagram page, and then I did a bit of a search, and then found the Manchester League’s website. That’s how I came about it.”

And what made you decide to run your own team?
“We had a good group of in the rookie session and I already run a running team, so I sort of knew how to set up a team. I didn’t expect as much work with setting this one up but it’s been worth it.”

You’ve just had your first friendly against Barflies, how’d you find it?
“It was good. It was a very steep learning curve but I think everyone took it on board. Everyone enjoyed it, everyone was smiling. We hit the ball, we got some home runs, scored plenty of points.”

Are you ready to join the league halfway through July?
“We are excited, yeah. We’ve put our name down, so we’re waiting. It’ll be just friendlies until then and practice.”

Manchester Softball League’s two new rookie teams join Division 4 from July 16th.