
Announcement: Greensox

It has been decided by the Exec, after earnest deliberation ending with a vote, that Greensox will be allowed to register with the league and play in Division 1 this season.

The Greensox team’s standing captain had previously confirmed to the Exec that they would not enter the league for the 2023 season, as reported at the Captains’ meeting of April 12th. However, Paul Kidley contacted the league shortly afterwards to request that Greensox register with Manchester Softball League for the 2023 season. At the request of the Exec, he  provided a  team roster and his players will be told to register before they play, as normal.

With only 8 days before the start of the season, this was a difficult decision for the Exec, as the team registration deadline had already passed on March 31st and fixtures were released on April 18th. The Exec acknowledges that the Division 1 fixtures will need to be altered. Promotion and relegation throughout the league will be two-up two-down, as is normally the case, rather than the scheme agreed at the Captains’ Meeting which was aimed at restoring nine teams to Division 1: this is no longer necessary. The Exec acknowledges that this was an unusual occurrence outside normal rules and process. Ultimately the Exec have decided, and voted, that the continued participation of the Greensox in Manchester Softball League is for the greater benefit of the League, which is our highest priority.

We hope that you will be understanding of this decision and adapt to the fixture and other changes that follow.

Please note that Division 1 fixtures for Game Week 1 will remain the same as previously, and fixtures for other divisions are unaffected The revised Division 1 fixtures have been uploaded to the MSL website and will be available in the Captains’ Handbook.

Manchester Softball League Exec
