Manchester BASU Course 2024
The Manchester BASU course will again be online for 2024.
For players interested in taking the course please message
Sign up to become an accredited BASU Blu. Existing umpires will need to renew every four years. The free course consists of 4 learning sessions running every two weeks between January and March, followed by a practical session (Venue TBC)
The meetings are scheduled as follows:
- Introduction: Thurs 25th January 2024, 19:00
- Block 1: Thurs 8th February 2024, 19:00
- Block 2: Thurs 22nd February 2024, 19:00
- Block 3: Thurs 7th March 2024, 19:00
- Block 4: Thurs 21st March 2024, 19:00
- Block 5: Thurs 4th April 2024, 19:00 Quiz/Review
- Practical day 6th or 13th April Venue TBC
Course Details
- The course consists of 5 blocks of Online videos that you watch and answer questions in . After each block there will be an online session to discuss the block and any questions you may have.
- after the review of the last block there will be an online quiz.
BASU has been working hard in the last 2 years to bring the course online. Candidates will require a pass mark of 80% in the quiz. The quiz is open-book so feel free to read the rule book.
Too pass the course you must take part in each session pass the quiz and take part in the Practical day. To be a full BASU member, you must then pass an on field assessement
Course Registration
Firstly, all candidates need to sign up to EdPuzzle (link below) – this is free. EdPuzzle is the online platform we are using to host the course videos and quiz. This platform allows us to assess responses from all delivered courses across the country which are used to modify and improve the course.
EdPuzzle Link:
Once you have signed up please email with the following details:
- Name
- Phone number (this will allow us to create a WHATSAPP GROUP FOR DISCUSSION
- Umpiring History.
NOTE: Please use your real name when signing up – NO NICKNAMES as this will only make it harder for the tutors to reconcile information as people work through the course material.