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BASU Course 2023 – MSL

The BASU accreditation course has moved online for 2023. Registration is open now. Sign up to become an accredited BASU Blu. Existing Blus will need to renew every four years. The free course consists of six learning sessions running between January and March, followed by a practical session (TBC).

BASU has been working hard in the last 2 years to bring the course online for 2023. Going forward, we suggest using the same course for both the BASU and the local training. All candidates follow the same course and answer the quiz at the end, along with the practical day – the only difference will be whether candidates want to (and are ready to) be assessed at a tournament for BASU qualification.

BASU Candidates will require a pass mark of 80% in the quiz. The quiz is open-book so feel free to read the rule book. Local qualifications are at the discretion of the league.

Course Registration

Firstly, all candidates need to sign up to EdPuzzle (link below) – this is free. EdPuzzle is the online platform we are using to host the course videos and quiz. This platform allows us to assess responses from all delivered courses across the country which are used to modify and improve the course. 

EdPuzzle Linkhttps://edpuzzle.com/join/ticivec

Please use your real name when signing up – NO NICKNAMES as this will only make it harder for the tutors to reconcile information as people work through the course material.

There is an app available for EdPuzzle but it has caused people problems, we advise you NOT to use it. Please inform candidates that if a username or password is forgotten, DO NOT re-register with EdPuzzle as this will reset scores and cause all sorts of admin problems! Instead, contact me or a trainer to reset the password.

Course Content

The course will consist of an introductory session, followed by 4 blocks and a quiz (block 5). For each block there will be a series of videos to watch with questions embedded. These questions do not form part of the block 5 final quiz assessment (the final quiz does count!). Candidates will have 2 weeks to watch the videos and at the end of each fortnight there will be an online meeting where everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions or discuss any points about the block that has been completed. 

Please ask attendees to write down any questions they may have about the rules of the game and bring them to the online sessions.  


The meetings are scheduled as follows: 

Introduction: Tues, 17th January 2023

Block 1: Tues, 31st January 2023

Block 2: Tues, 14th February 2023

Block 3: Tues, 28th February 2023

Block 4: Tues, 14th March 2023 

Block 5: Tues, 28th March 2023

Practical session: TBC, 

Google/Zoom Meeting Link – please set this up, and use the same link for all meetings: 

We are planning on a maximum time limit to the sessions of 1 hour – we will finish sooner if possible! 


Note that when looking at the course content on Edpuzzle the videos may not be listed in order! However, please watch them in order… 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 etc.  

In each block the total video time is around 1 hour – 1 hr 10 mins for between 6 and 11 videos, so nothing too taxing. You do not have to watch them all at once and you are able to go back and watch the videos again if you didn’t quite get something, even if you have answered the questions with in them (look at the ‘completed’ section when you log on). 

Course Material

WBSC 2022-26 Slowpitch Softball Rules

Slowpitch Casebook 2021
