Plans for single sex league
WHILE it had been hoped to run again two single-sex leagues this season, plans are still on hold as we seek a format that will suit all players. There has been considerable interest in playing single-sex, but the lop-sided nature of last year’s league with, especially in the women’s league, one team dominating so strongly, and winning all their games by a slaughter, or near enough, and the men’s champions almost as untouchable, led to calls for a restructure.
As it stands, not enough teams have signed up for either league. Practically speaking we need four teams in each.

One solution suggested would be to introduce a handicap system based on which division players play in.
An alternative is to have everyone sign up as individuals and then, Alex Hall-style, make up teams which mix and match levels of ability and regular team affiliations. This could be done either by a small committee assigning players to teams, or, more excitingly, with a draft, in which four volunteer captains take turns to pick the players, like you did in the playground at school (though maybe to protect sensitivities, this would be done in private). We would need about 50 players of each sex to make this viable.
In any case, the aim is to have three rounds of games, one each month starting in June, on Thursday nights at Parrswood.
Your views are most welcome, either in a comment below, via the review, social media, or by email to Watch this space for a definitive announcement.
Danny Gunn