
Team Registration

Team registration is open for 2024. Registration deadline is March 31st and the season begins on April 30th.

The combined fee includes MSL registration (£50) and BSF affiliation fees, total as below:
£290 for teams playing for more than two years.
The combined fee is payable to MSL.

Please send a bank transfer to the MSL account (ref:MSL [teamname])
Sort: 50-41-10
Acct: 55587828

    Manchester Softball League Team Entry Form

    Cost per team: £290 (includes BSF fee)

    Your Details

    Second Contact

    A second contact is also needed and should be someone who can be contacted if the first contact is unavailable. It should therefore not be someone who is likely to be away at the same time (i.e. a partner).

    Click on this button ONLY if your team employs anyone or pays anyone a salary, e.g. a coach. This is for insurance purposes. You will be asked to supply your ERN.
    My team employs individuals or pays them a salary

    Team Details

    If you have a new uniform design since last season, please contact the secretary if you have not already done so.

    Limit: 1MB

    By submitting this form you agree to our Privacy Policy.