Division 2
Division 2 consisted of seven teams, who played two rotations and then split into two groups of four and three for a final 3- or 2-game rotation. The top two teams were promoted to Division 1. The bottom team was relegated to Division 3.
NOTE: Tigers above Meerkats and Camels II above Marauders on head-to-head record.
1st May
Meerkats 20-2 Marauders (5 inns, RAR, pitch PW8)
Sharks 18-8 Speeders (ump Davies, pitch PW7)
Tigers 6-10 Camels II (6½ inns, ump Creelman, pitch PW6)
Bats rested
8th May
Bats 9-13 Sharks (6½ inns, ump Somers, pitch 2)
Marauders 4-24 Tigers (4 inns, RAR, ump Creelman, pitch 7)
Speeders 9-10 Meerkats (6½ inns, ump Davies, pitch 4)
Camels II rested
15th May
Marauders 7-18 Camels II (6½ inns, ump Hulme, pitch 2)
Meerkats 23-8 Bats (5 inns RAR, ump Somers, pitch 6)
Speeders 20-21 Tigers (ump Creelman, pitch 1)
Sharks rested
22nd May
Camels II 4-19 Speeders (5 inns RAR, ump Lyons, pitch 6)
Sharks 19-20 Meerkats (ump Davies, pitch 3)
Tigers 16-11 Bats (ump Creelman, pitch 7)
Marauders rested
29th May
Bats 6-21 Marauders (6inns RAR, ump Creelman, pitch 3)
Camels II 7-22 Sharks (4½ inns RAR, ump Shearer, pitch 2)
Meerkats 6-21 Tigers (5 inns RAR, ump Davies, pitch 0)
Speeders rested
5th June
Bats 9-10 Camels II (ump Dean, pitch 0)
Marauders 6-22 Speeders (4½ inns RAR, ump Creelman, pitch 4)
Tigers 11-8 Sharks (ump Somers, pitch 6)
Meerkats rested
12th June
Meerkats 23-6 Camels II (6 inns RAR, ump Ervine, pitch 3)
Sharks 7-22 Marauders (5 inns RAR, pitch 1)
Speeders 13-15 Bats (6½ inns, ump Davies, pitch 4)
Tigers rested
19th June
Camels II 3-21 Tigers (4½ inns RAR, ump Creelman, pitch 1)
Marauders 9-24 Meerkats (6 inns RAR, ump Somers, pitch 7)
Speeders 10-11 Sharks (6½ inns, ump Davies, pitch 0)
Bats rested
26th June
Meerkats 16-17 Speeders (ump Creelman, pitch 7)
Sharks 21-6 Bats (6 inns RAR, ump Davies, pitch 3)
Tigers 24-5 Marauders (5 inns RAR, ump Somers, pitch 4)
Camels II rested
3rd July
Bats 3-19 Meerkats (4½ inns, RAR, ump La Fave, pitch 1)
Camels II 5-20 Marauders (5½ inns, RAR, ump Creelman, pitch 0)
Tigers 11-12 Speeders (ump Wareham, pitch 2)
Sharks rested
10th July
Bats 0-15 Tigers (6 inns, RAR, ump Green, pitch 7)
Meerkats 16-13 Sharks (ump Somers, pitch 4)
Speeders 27-15 Camels II (ump Davies, pitch 6)
Marauders rested
17th July
Marauders 28-22 Bats (ump Somers, pitch 1)
Sharks 20-5 Camels II (5 inns, RAR, ump Fothergill, pitch 3)
Tigers 18-11 Meerkats (ump Green, pitch 2)
Speeders rested
24th July – no games
31st July – all games postponed due to flooded pitches
7th August
Bats 4-6 Speeders (ump Wallace, pitch 2)
Camels II 18-16 Meerkats (8 inns, ump Ervine, pitch 3)
Marauders 6-10 Sharks (6½ inns, ump Davies, pitch 4)
Tigers rested
14th August – games postponed from 31st July
Camels II 19-14 Bats (ump Dean, pitch 7)
Sharks 8-10 Tigers (6½ inns, ump Wallace, pitch 6)
Speeders 3-8 Marauders (ump Davies, pitch 0)
Meerkats rested
21st August
Tigers 11-23 Speeders (6 inns, bad light, ump Shepherd, pitch 1)
Sharks 1-16 Meerkats (6 inns, RAR, ump Somers, pitch 0)
Camels II 12-3 Marauders (pitch 6)
Bats rested
28th August
Tigers 8-16 Sharks (6½ inns, ump Caird, pitch 3)
Speeders 18-16 Meerkats (6 inns, bad light, ump Davies, pitch 4)
Marauders 15-12 Bats (ump Saunders, pitch 7)
Camels II rest
4th September
Meerkats 26-7 Tigers (ump Creelman, pitch 2)
Speeders 15-8 Sharks (6 inns, bad light, ump Fagan, pitch 1)
Camels II 7-11 Bats (6 inns, bad light, ump Shepherd, pitch 0)
Marauders rest