
Division 4

Division 4 consisted of nine teams who played two full rotations. A tenth team, the Titans, joined the league for the second rotation, starting 28th June.

The top two teams are promoted to Division 3.

Final Standings

Tigers (C) 17 13 1 3 0 368 201 .794
Drizzle (P) 17 12 1 4 0 292 205 .735 1
Hurricanes 17 12 0 5 0 278 154 .706
Rippers 17 11 0 6 0 274 205 .647
Barflies 17 9 0 8 0 279 276 .529
Phoenix 17 7 0 10 0 223 264 .412
Colt 45s 17 7 0 10 0 185 233 .412
Freeze 17 5 0 12 0 241 349 .294
Falcons 17 3 0 14 0 186 347 .176 10½
Titans 9 1 0 8 0 76 168 .111 15⅙

Phoenix above Colt 45s on head-to-heads

26 April
Colt 45s 13-17 Phoenix (6½ inns, pitch 6, ump Goff)
Drizzle 11-11 Tigers (6 inns, bad light, pitch 7, ump Stonard)
Hurricanes 16-1 Freeze (5 inns, RAR, pitch 8, ump Nightingale)
Rippers 23-13 Barflies (6 inns, bad light, pitch 9, ump Arrevillagas)
Falcons rested

3 May
Barflies 15-13 Hurricanes (pitch 1, ump Fothergill)
Falcons 1-16 Drizzle (5 inns, RAR, pitch 3, ump Roberts)
Freeze 5-16 Colt 45s (pitch 4, ump Jones)
Tigers 17-15 Rippers (6 inns, bad light, pitch 2, ump Lott)
Phoenix rested

10 May
Colt 45s 14-15 Barflies (6½ inns, pitch 8, ump Arrevillagas)
Hurricanes 13-28 Tigers (5 inns, RAR, pitch 9, ump Ahluwalia)
Phoenix 10-16 Freeze (6½ inns, pitch 7, ump Stonard)
Rippers 16-4 Falcons (5 inns, bad light, pitch 6, ump Nightingale)
Drizzle rested

17 May
Barflies 19-10 Phoenix (pitch 1, ump Shearer)
Falcons 8-15 Hurricanes (6½ inns, pitch 4, ump Stonard)
Rippers 23-4 Drizzle (5 inns, RAR, pitch 2, umps Khwaja/Fothergill)
Tigers 16-17 Colt 45s (6½ inns, pitch 5, ump Caird)
Freeze rested

24 May
Barflies 22-13 Freeze (pitch 6, ump Caird)
Drizzle 18-19 Hurricanes (pitch 8, ump Lott)
Falcons 13-19 Colt 45s (6½ inns, pitch 7, ump Khwaja)
Phoenix 11-26 Tigers (6 inns, RAR, pitch 9, ump Goff)
Rippers rested

31 May
Colt 45s 7-18 Drizzle (6½ inns, pitch 1, ump Shearer)
Freeze 9-29 Tigers (4 inns, RAR, pitch 4, ump Nightingale)
Hurricanes 19-15 Rippers (pitch 3, ump Arrevillagas)
Phoenix 19-17 Falcons (pitch 2, ump Caird)
Barflies rested

7 June
Drizzle 21-7 Phoenix (pitch 6, ump Khwaja)
Falcons 20-24 Freeze (6½ inns, pitch 7, ump Fagan)
Rippers 15-4 Colt 45s (pitch 8, ump Stonard)
Tigers 16-6 Barflies (pitch 9, ump Roberts)
Hurricanes rested

14 June – all games postponed, rescheduled for 30 August

21 June
Drizzle 4-24 Barflies (4 inns, RAR, pitch 7, ump Stonard)
Freeze 12-17 Rippers (6½ inns, pitch 9, ump Shearer)
Hurricanes 17-4 Phoenix (pitch 6, ump Khwaja)
Tigers 33-4 Falcons (4 inns, RAR, pitch 8, ump Goff)
Colt 45s rested

28 June
Barflies 16-17 Rippers (pitch 5, ump Goff)
Freeze 4-19 Hurricanes (5 inns, RAR, pitch 4, umps Shearer, Fothergill)
Phoenix 16-9 Colt 45s (pitch 3, ump Khwaja)
Tigers 31-13 Drizzle (pitch 1, ump Stonard)
Titans 18-29 Falcons (6½ inns, pitch 2, ump Arrevillagas)

5 July
Colt 45s 9-6 Freeze (pitch 5, ump Roberts)
Falcons 1-21 Drizzle  (home team batted first, 4 inns, RAR, pitch 9, ump Shearer)
Barflies 6-21 Hurricanes  (home team batted first, 5 inns, RAR, pitch 6, ump Fothergill)
Rippers 22-23 Tigers (pitch 1, ump Caird)
Titans 13-12 Phoenix (pitch 7, ump Stonard)

12 July
Freeze 28-26 Phoenix (pitch 2, umps Fothergill, Dean)
Titans 3-23 Drizzle (4½ inns, RAR, pitch 1, ump Fagan)
remaining games postponed due to waterlogged pitches (replay date 4 August):
Barflies @ Colt 45s (3)
Falcons @ Rippers (4)
Tigers @ Hurricanes (5)

19 July
Colt 45s 10-16 Tigers (6½ inns, pitch 7, ump Lott)
Drizzle 30-13 Rippers (6 inns, RAR, pitch 6, ump Nightingale)
Hurricanes 26-0 Falcons (4 inns, RAR, pitch 9, ump Shearer)
Phoenix 18-12 Barflies (8 inns, pitch 5, ump Johnson)
Titans 21-22 Freeze (pitch 8, ump Fothergill)

26 July
Colt 45s 11-12 Falcons (6½ inns, pitch 1, ump Nightingale)
Freeze 31-40 Barflies (6½ inns, pitch 2, ump Goff)
Hurricanes 6-8 Drizzle (6½ inns, pitch 4, ump Khwaja)
Tigers 17-18 Phoenix (8 inns, pitch 3, ump Fagan)
Titans 1-17 Rippers (4½ inns, RAR, pitch 5, ump Roberts)

2 August
Drizzle 13-11 Colt 45s (8 inns, pitch 9, umps Fothergill/Lott)
Falcons 2-17 Phoenix (4½ inns, RAR, pitch 8, ump Goff)
Rippers 11-7 Hurricanes (pitch 7, ump Roberts)
Tigers 25-10 Freeze (6 inns, RAR, pitch 6, ump Johnson)
Titans 9-12 Barflies (6½ inns, pitch 3, ump Nightingale)

4 August (Thursday) – games rearranged from 12 July
14-6 Colt 45s (pitch 6, ump Davies)
Falcons 8-23 Rippers (4½ inns, RAR, pitch 9, ump Nightingale)

9 August
Barflies 15-19 Tigers (6½ inns, pitch 2, ump Khwaja)
Colt 45s 15-12 Rippers (pitch 4, ump Caird)
Freeze 32-12 Falcons (5 inns, RAR, pitch 1, ump Shearer)
Phoenix 16-24 Drizzle (6½ inns, pitch 3, ump Fothergill)
Titans 3-23 Hurricanes (4 inns, RAR, pitch 7, ump Nightingale)

11 August (Thursday) – rearranged from 12 July
Tigers 14-15 Hurricanes (pitch 5, ump Nightingale)

16 August
Drizzle 32-6 Freeze (4 inns, RAR, pitch 5, ump Lott)
Falcons 25-26 Barflies (pitch 7, ump Roberts)
Hurricanes 25-2 Colt 45s (4 inns, RAR,pitch 8, ump Nightingale)
Rippers 10-13 Phoenix (6½ inns, pitch 9, ump Johnson)
Tigers 22-0 Titans (4 inns, RAR, pitch 6, ump Stonard)

23 August
Barflies 18-19 Drizzle (6½ inns, pitch 4, ump Fagin)
Falcons 12-25 Tigers (6½ inns, pitch 3, ump Lott)
Phoenix 4-12 Hurricanes (6½ inns, pitch 1, ump Dean)
Rippers 17-14 Freeze (5 inns, bad light, pitch 2, ump Shearer)
Titans 8-9 Colt 45s (6½ inns, pitch 5, ump Goff)

30 August games rescheduled from 14 June
Barflies 6-18 Falcons (4 inns*, bad light, pitch 1, ump Stonard)
Colt 45s 13-12 Hurricanes (pitch 2, ump Lott)
Freeze 8-18 Drizzle (4 inns*, bad light, pitch 3, ump Nightingale)
Phoenix 5-8 Rippers (6 inns, bad light, pitch 4, ump Caird)
Tigers rested

* Although these games are technically incomplete, because the results do not affect the standings, the results will stand.