
2002 Season

Manchester Softball League Results and Standings for the 2002 season.

Division 1 · Playoff Division · Division 2 · Division 3
For results, information in brackets shows the umpire’s name, and the number of innings (if not 7) and reason for curtailment: “RAR” means “run-ahead rule”.

Division 1

1 May: Dodgers 16 Greensox 4 (5, RAR), Growlers 17 Mavericks 32 (Carson, 5, RAR), Renegades 18 Runners 8 (5, light)

8 May: Dodgers 6 Bees 11 (Pilkington), Greensox 25 Growlers 20 (6½), Mavericks 16 Renegades 4 (Gostage, 5, RAR)

15 May: Bees 7 Greensox 17 (Mannion), Mavericks 20 Dodgers 8 (Gunn, 4½, RAR), Runners 27 Growlers 24 (Halliday, 6½)

22 May: Dodgers 12 Renegades 10 (Selfridge, 6½), Greensox 14 Runners 12 (Nightingale, 6½), Growlers 1 Bees 12

29 May: Bees 4 Mavericks 9 (Gostage), Renegades 26 Greensox 27 (Fagan/Selfridge), Runners 3 Dodgers 2 (Selfridge, 6½)

5 June: Bees 4 Renegades 12 (Roberts), Growlers 14 Dodgers 29, Mavericks 17 Runners 3 (Seabridge, 4½ RAR)

12 June: Greensox 10 Mavericks 24 (Gostage, 5, RAR), Renegades 13 Growlers 9 (Hepburn, 6½), Runners 5 Bees 10 (Osborne)

Runners and Growlers drop down into Playoff Division; Piranhas, Diapers and Lions join them from Division 2
19 June: Mavericks 17 Bees 2 (Diarmund, 5, RAR), Renegades 15 Dodgers 13 (6½)

26 June: Dodgers 6 Mavericks 18 (5, RAR), Renegades 10 Greensox 25 (Daw, 5, RAR)

3 Jul: Greensox 17 Dodgers 5 (5, RAR), Renegades 6 Bees 9 (Pilkington)

10 Jul: Renegades 16 Mavericks 8 (6½), Greensox 20 Bees 0 (4, RAR)

17 July: Mavericks 15 Greensox 14 (Gunn), Bees 11 Dodgers 22 (Halliday)

24 July: Bees 9 Mavericks 18, Renegades 11 Dodgers 10 (9, Kidley)

7 August: Dodgers 13 Mavericks 8 (Gostage, 6½), Greensox 11 Renegades 19

14 August: Dodgers 12 Greensox 14 (Hadwin), Renegades 12 Bees 13

21 August: Greensox 7 Bees 0 (w/o), Renegades 3 Mavericks 4

28 August: Greensox 5 Mavericks 24 (4, RAR), Bees 16 Dodgers 13 (6½)


Final Standings

  P W T L F RC Pts  
Mavericks 14 21 0 2 0 114 38 Champions
Greensox 14 9 0 5 0 192 32 Runners-up
Renegades 14 7 0 7 0 169 28
Bees 14 6 0 7 1 165 25
Dodgers 14 5 0 9 0 174 24

Table includes first-round results against Runners and Growlers.

Playoff Division

19 June: Diapers 2 Lions 23 (Selfridge, 5 , RAR), Runners 23 Piranhas 3 (4, RAR)26 June: Diapers 3 Runners 23 (4, RAR), Growlers 9 Lions 26 (5, RAR)

3 Jul: Growlers 9 Diapers 7 (6½), Lions 6 Piranhas 4 (Seabridge & Shepheard, 6½)

10 Jul: Lions 8 Runners 17 (Harthoorn), Piranhas 18 Growlers 19

17 July: Runners 18 Growlers 6 (5, RAR), Piranhas 16 Diapers 21 (Wareham, 8)

24 July: Piranhas 5 Runners 28 (Green, 5, RAR), Lions 16 Diapers 12 (Sanders, 6½)

7 August: Runners 21 Diapers 4, Lions 18 Growlers 6 (Daw, 5, RAR)

14 August: Diapers 8 Growlers 28 (Nartey, 5, RAR), Piranhas 9 Lions 12 (Seabridge)

21 August: Growlers 11 Piranhas 18, Runners 14 Lions 2 (Cunningham, 5, RAR)

28 August: Growlkers 15 Runners 10 (6½), Diapers 11 Piranhas 16 (5, light)


Final Standings

  P W T L F RC Pts Overall record*
Runners 8 7 0 1 0 46 22 9-5 Promoted
Lions 8 6 0 2 0 73 20 10-4 Promoted
Growlers 8 4 0 4 0 123 16 4-10
Piranhas 8 2 0 6 0 133 12 8-6
Diapers 8 1 0 7 0 152 10 5-9

* Including games from first half of season.

Division 2

1 May: Diapers 12 Lions 11 (Lewis, 6½), Piranhas 11 Speeders 6 (Martin, 5, light), Spirits 7 Stingers 0 (w/o)8 May: Diapers 13 Bats 27 (5, RAR), Lions 13 Piranhas 16 (8), Speeders 20 Spirits 8 (6, RAR)

15 May: Bats 19 Lions 20 (Gostage), Speeders 13 Diapers 25 (5, RAR), Stingers 7 Piranhas 16 (Paul)

22 May: Piranhas 11 Bats 8 (Dee, 6½), Diapers 16 Spirits 3 (4½, RAR), Lions 18 Stingers 2 (Shepheard, 4½, RAR)

29 May: Bats 29 Speeders 18 (Daw, 5½, RAR), Spirits 4 Lions 28 (4, RAR), Stingers 11 Diapers 15

5 June: Bats 18 Spirits 14 (6½), Piranahas 16 Diapers 2 (5, RAR), Speeders 7 Stingers 0 (w/o)

12 June:Stingers 23 Bats 21, Lions 8 Speeders 7 (Rajnoch), Spirits 13 Piranhas 15

Piranhas, Diapers and Lions promoted to Playoff Division

19 June: Bats 13 Spirits 7 (6½), Speeders 21 Stingers 8 (4½, RAR)

26 June: Stingers 17 Bats 15 (Fagan, 6½), Spirits 18 Speeders 28 (6, rain)

10 Jul: Bats 11 Speeders 23

17 July: Bats 24 Stingers 4 (4, RAR, Somers), Speeders 22 Spirits 10 (5, RAR)

24 July: Spirits 6 Bats 13, Stingers 0 Speeders 7 (forfeit)

31 July: Spirits v Stingers postponed

7 August: Speeders 24 Bats 11 (5, RAR), Stingers 20 Spirits 0 (3½, RAR)

14 August: Spirits 15 Bats 20, Stingers 5 Speeders 32 (Pilkington, 4, RAR)

21 August: Spirits 8 Speeders 12, Stingers 3 Bats 22 (5, RAR)

28 August: Speeders 11 Bats 11 (6, light), Spirits 20 Stingers 4 (4, timed game), Stingers 0 Spirits 2 (1, timed game)


Final Standings

  P W T L F RC Pts  
Speeders 15 10 1 4 0 163 36 Champions
Bats 15 8 1 6 0 209 32 Runners-up
Spirits 15 4 0 11 0 224 23
Stingers 15 2 0 10 3 247 16 Relegated

Includes first-round results against Piranhas, Diapers and Lions

Division 3

30 April: Diamonds 5 Griffins 24 (5, RAR), Hackers 6 Hunters 21 (5, RAR), Hillbillies 9 Sonics 19 (5, light)7 May: Griffins 15 Hunters 20 (Goh), Hackers 11 Hillbillies 7 (Shepheard, 5½, light), Sonics 12 Diamonds 2 (Mannion, 6½)

14 May: Diamonds 8 Hackers 31 (Gibson, 4, RAR), Hunters 21 Hillbillies 6 (Somers, 5½, RAR), Sonics 3 Griffins 9 (Shepheard)

21 May: Hackers 3 Sonics 2 (4½, rain), Hillbillies 4 Griffins 24 (4, RAR), Hunters 14 Diamonds 5 (4½, rain)

28 May: Diamonds 14 Hillbillies 20 (5, rain), Hackers 7 Griffins 18, Sonics 4 Hunters 29 (5, RAR)

Diamonds folded after the first round

11 June: Hunters 12 Hackers 5 (Fisher, 6½), Sonics 14 Hillbillies 26 (6, RAR)

18 Jun: Hillbillies 10 Hackers 19 (Shepheard), Hunters 18 Griffins 6 (Selfridge, 5, RAR)

25 Jun: Griffins 21 Sonics 0 (Shepheard, 1, game conceded), Hillbillies 12 Hunters 26 (Gibson, 5, RAR)

2 Jul: Griffins 16 Hillbillies 4 (Somers & Seabridge, 5, RAR), Sonics 11 Hackers 25 (Wareham & Shepheard)

9 Jul: Griffins 18 Hackers 6 (Wareham, 5, RAR), Hunters 12 Sonics 11 (6½)

23 Jul: Hunters 16 Hackers 4 (Klostermane, 4½, RAR), Hillbillies 8 Sonics 14 (5, light)

30 July: Griffins 4 Hunters 18 (5, RAR), Hackers 7 Hillbillies 11 (6, rain)

August 6: Hunters 15 Hillbillies 3 (Somers, 6, RAR), Sonics 31 Griffins 29 (Wareham, 6, light)

August 13: Hillbillies 5 Griffins 10 (Fagan), Sonics 8 Hackers 21 (Wareham, 5, RAR)

August 20: Griffins 12 Hackers 21 (Daw, 4, light), Sonics 14 Hunters 20 (Somers, 6½)


Final Standings

  P W T L F RC Pts
Hunters 13 13 0 0 0 105 39 Champions!
Griffins 13 8 0 5 0 142 29 Runners-up
Hackers 13 7 0 6 0 154 27
Sonics 13 4 0 9 0 214 21
Hillbillies 13 3 0 10 0 210 19

Includes first-round results against Diamonds